Green For Georgia

Promotion of endemic arboreal plants

Entertaining lessons at schools

Scope of Project

Since April 21, 2021, we have started delivery of entertaining lessons to the 5th graders at public and private schools. The aim of the lesson is to raise awareness among school pupils about the importance of forest to humans, threats and dangers the world and Georgian forests are facing, benefits of forests and reasons to preserve them.


The duration of the entertaining lesson is 30 minutes and remaining time is for Q & A and sharing thoughts. At the end of the lessons, we donated pterocarya seeds to Rustavi and Tbilisi schools on the condition that school kids will sprout seeds and grow into trees. We will gift 50 clumps of pterocarya trees to that school which will sprout and grow more trees.

The aim of the lessons is to promote endemic species.


What do we promise?

  • Trustiness
  • Sustainability
  • Enhancing your company image
  • Granting a status of our partner with respective reference in a specific or all projects, upon your will
  • Media coverage of the project(s)
  • Participation in the most large-scale tree-planting project